We Want You for the
NCCSS Executive Board
The North Carolina Council for the Social Studies Needs You!
At the 2025 NCCSS Conference, members of the North Carolina Council for the Social Studies will elect new members to the Executive Board to guide the work of NCCSS. We need extraordinary social studies educators like you to help lead this professional organization. The typical commitment is 4 to 5 Saturday virtual meetings per year, and board members are expected to purchase a membership for the National Council for Social Studies (approximately $75). The NCCSS will cover your NCCSS Conference registration fees if your school or organization is unable to do so. If you’ve ever thought about getting involved with our organization on the state level, here’s your chance!
What are the office responsibilities?
Board Member (2 positions) - 3-year commitment
Board Members work on committees (ie. Elections, Awards, Advocacy, Registration, etc) to help plan the annual conference we meet four times a year before the conference. Attending the conferences is required. As a Board Member, your role is to carry out the NCCSS Mission policy and advocate for Social Studies education. You must maintain membership to the NCCSS and NCSS (National Council for the Social Studies).
Vice President - 4-year commitment
The Vice President spends the first year in a mentee position to learn the operations of the NCCSS. During the 2nd year, President-Elect, you will assist in the absence of the President and shadow the President. During the 3rd year, President, you will plan and carry out your conference. During your last year, Past President, you will archive your year as President with ECU and assist the President as needed. Other than the year you are President, you will have voting power. You must maintain membership to the NCCSS and NCSS (National Council for the Social Studies).
Treasurer - 2-year commitment
The treasurer is responsible for managing an organization's finances. The treasurer need to be detail-oriented and possess strong communication skills to explain financial information clearly to others. It is essential for the treasurer to act in the NCCSS's best interest and handle money with honesty and integrity.
What are the requirements to hold office?
1. Be a member of both NCCSS and NCSS and maintain membership throughout the term of office.
2. Attend the NCCSS state conference; candidates must be present to be confirmed.
Service on the NCCSS Executive Board is rewarding, challenging, stimulating, and on occasion, a lot of fun. Please indicate your interest by filling out the form below. If you encounter any problems with the Google form or have questions, please email Dr. Stephen Bond at sbondnccss@gmail.com for assistance.
Thank you for answering the call to serve. Now is your opportunity to run for the NCCSS Executive Board.